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September 2024
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5 ways to improve your English immediately25/11/2021 1. "Agree" is a verb. You can say "I agree" or "I don't agree". Very often, I hear people say "I am agree". This is not correct! You can use "I am..." to give your name, or age, but not for agreement! I have certainly met a lot of people called Agree, it seems to be a popular name here! 2. People or person? It's really very simple! "People" is plural and "person" is singular. So we say "1 person" but "2 people". 3. Answer Use "answer + something", for example: I answer the phone; she answers the question; he answers the email.... Remember, we never use "to" after the verb "answer" 4. Present or introduce? You can present a slide, a document, or some figures, or tables, but not a person! For a person, use "introduce"! For example: Hello Sarah, I'd like to introduce you to Catherine. You can also introduce yourself: Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is......
Of course, not everybody makes the same mistakes, but these are examples of vocabulary and sentences that I hear everyday.
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Learn fixed expressions to help you communicate from effectively! How do you explain the reason(s) why you arrived late for work? Here are the top 5: 1. I'm sorry I'm late, the bus/train was late.
2. I'm sorry I'm late, my car wouldn't start. 3. I'm sorry I'm late, there was a traffic jam. 4. I'm sorry I'm late, I forgot my telephone and I had to go back home to get it. 5. I'm sorry I'm late, my alarm clock didn't go off, so I overslept. Let's hope you don't need to use these expressions too often! |